Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Life drawing

All of this work was for my portfolio to take to my university interviews, as it required a decent amount of life drawing to be included.
Most of them mix in with my work on the personal project and the Alternative Miss World, as they ran at the same time as life drawing.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Weird little coincidence!

So I was on tumblr the other day and I saw this girl wearing the same outfit that I collaged a few moths ago, it so creepy cause I never posted my work online! Even the hairs the same!!! I love it so much haha

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Lincoln exhibition

So at the lincoln show i took some pictures of the work i liked most and the work that related to my work the most.

These shoes really related to my idea of having some massive heels on my mannequin, i love the look of them, they have the look that they're unfinished, im guessing its supposed to look like that. but even so they look bloody brilliant!!

I love the idea of using old bike handles as the hangers for clothes!it just gives the whole thing this weirdly intresting look to it! Love!!! the t shirts themselves are a bit dull, but hey, can't please everyone can you.


So this is my exhibition so far. Its nearly done apart from the DVD's need to be burned to go on the screens in the faces. i really like the grungy look of it all, it kinda makes everything bounce off of eachother and fall into place.
at first i thought it was really small and minimal, but now i look at it with fresh eyes and i think its ok, its not at all like my original idea but fuck, thats life isnt it.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Final piece

For a few weeks ive been struggling to get all of my videos onto discs to show and my space, and ive finally got it to work. my computer was always telling me i wasnt able to do it and i was ready to punch through its already broken screen.

But, it turns out i just had to reduce the recording speed on the disc, duh

Happy happy happy, i'#ll upload some pictures of the space in progress tomorrow as its 2:10am and im busting for a wee and i feel like i eyes are about to fall out.

Statement of intent

Statement of intent
Tyler Cookson
Fashion Illustration
Behind closed doors:
My project has started on the base idea of making fun of the pope and religion, I got this idea after a trip within the first week of fmp and the odea has really stuck with me. I want the project to be really layed back, so I can drift off into another type of subject if it happens to go that way, so from religion I can connect it to things like celebrities and pop culture.
For my project I intend on expanding my knowledge of artists and techniques to come up with something I haven’t done before, whether this be a 3d piece, an animation or another process that I have yet to start playing about with. I’ve been really interested in collage with some of my projects so I would like for that to make an appearance in my work. The artists I looked at in my pathway stage are Walter Van Bierendonck and Bernhard Wilhelm who have both inspired me in my work, they work a lot in fashion with a mixture of fine art. I really like their work because they make it their own, they don’t follow any rules set by society and just generally have fun with the outfits they create.

Bernhard Wilhelm was a very big inspiration because of his work using gifs, I’ve recently started looking into fashion film and animation so this artist has been a big help because he’s already done a lot of the style of work im wanting to get into for this project.
For this project im looking at a range of illustrators, animators, fine artists and designers. I think looking at these will broaden my knowledge on the pathways I can take within my chosen subject area, as opposed to me having to be narrowed into one style of working.
I intend to go to a range of galleries and museums around my local area and some in London. I’m also going to see some of the degree shows at Lincoln and Nottingham to try and get some final inspiration for my work.

I want to use things like animation and collage in my work, after seeing artists use these mediums. They look really tricky but I think I could get the hang of it and put it into an idea for a final piece.

In the end my work will not only be assessed by my tutors and the administrator, I will ask viewers and my fellow students what they like and dislike about my work.   All of my responses will be recorded in my reflective practice book that will be present with my sketchbooks. Doing this will help me see what I could have done better and develop it if I do something similar in further education.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Geoffrey Lillemon

Geoffrey lillemon is an artist i found when looking at Bernhard willhelms work. they did a collaboration to do a mens underwear advert and an range of adverts for a womans collection in 2013. I really love the way he works, its so fresh and he just wants to merge things that nobody else would think of merging.

My favourite videos he did are the little animation he did for adult swim. they make you feel high without being high. i'll link them here:


i like his work on giving models huge droopy nipples aswell, it just makes me laugh.

He's really sparked something new going on in my work, a good breath of fresh air for me i think.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Celebrity t-shirt designs

Ive been doing some more celebrity collages which i really like. Im doing these as a design process for what i want on my t shirts.
the process of making these images is completely random. I just click a random part of the face and the one that gives me a block of selection gets the colour changed. i like the selected parts to be small, only affecting a small fraction of the face, but i also like it if the selection wraps around their eye or nose, kind of like the skin has a weird effect on it. 

 There are ones like the one above that i really dont like, it was elvis but after the amount of editing ive done it just looks really shitty. blurgh. the main one i like in all of these is the natalie portman one below, it just has the right amount of editing on it to not over power it but not under do it. I love the nipples for eyes, they kind of put you in this weird trance where you cant look away from them. I think i might get this one made into a t-shirt.

Alina Zaminova - LCF Student


This is a link to an LCF fashion illustration students work this year. I relly like how the video looks, reminds me of Quentin Jones animation/fashion films. From looking at it, it can kind of tell that she must have used a gif maker to produce the video.

Its a lot more choppy thn quentins work, but i like it in a weird way, it works. Seeing this standard gets me a little scared for when i go, cause im sat here all like, "shit can i do that?". but i think im just being stupid, its all about learning how to do stuff like that.

After looking through all of her work on the lcf website (http://showtime.arts.ac.uk/AlinaZamanova) i found out she does a lot of collages and she even does her own t shirt prints. So ive come to the conclusion that this girl is pretty much me in the future. swag.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Pubic hair

So I decided that im gunna go all urban outfitters and give my mannequins pubic hair just for the humour. The bottom of the mannequins would have looks really barren and bare so I think this would kind of liven It up abit.

I like this idea because it takes it back to my theme of the project just being funny, rather than being this really serious shop window. I want it to make people laugh, that's my main goal in this entire project.

How to mount a tv

So figuring out how to either mount a TV onto a mannequin is harder than I thought, it might come to that I have to mount or dangle the TV on the ceiling/wall in order for it to be in place. then I have the problem of finding somewhere for the dvd player that is going with the TV to go.

The dvd player I have is being a proper little fucker, it wont work. So im gunna have to go buy another cheap dvd player in order to play my animations.

im determined to get this tv mounted dilemma figured out soon. I really want my idea to actually happen. hmmm...

I have a feeling that im going to have to mount the tv on a stand connected to the wall, which kind of looks bad, but I guess i'll have to deal. maybe I could paint the tv to make It more interesting? hmmm. hmm indeed my friends.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Bernhard Wilhelm

                          I have been looking at my old artists to try and get some inspiration and its just made my mind explode with ideas, im not confused about my exhibition anymore, I know exactly what I want to do.

The final outcome is now going to be a shop window, filled with manequinns wearing my t shirts, with TV's for heads. the TV's will be playing my gifs on a constant loop, then I want speakers in the halls playing the music from the animations on the tv. I'm actually really excited about doing this now!

Monday, 2 June 2014

T shirt printing

I managed to find this place called smarty pants in worksop who did my t shirt exactly as i wanted! the end result on the shirt came out a little bit pixalated but all in all it looks really good as a garment. I think im gunna do a lot more of these before my exhibition, its funny because from the start i was ademant that i wasnt touching any garment, and now its my end piece.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

T shirt design

So i started doing these little mock ups of t shirt designs with some collages that i'd done earleir in the project, i really think they work well as garments, im looking into getting a few made, but its just a ballache finding somewhere that will do them. Theres a place in worksop that does t shirt printing but i dont know if they can do it directly like this. I looked online a lot at places that print t shirts but they dont do the image exactly like this, its all been ajusted so the image is central or so that you get a specific area where your image can be.