Statement of intent
Tyler Cookson
Fashion Illustration
Behind closed doors:
My project has started on the base idea of making fun of the pope and religion, I got this idea after a trip within the first week of fmp and the odea has really stuck with me. I want the project to be really layed back, so I can drift off into another type of subject if it happens to go that way, so from religion I can connect it to things like celebrities and pop culture.
For my project I intend on expanding my knowledge of artists and techniques to come up with something I haven’t done before, whether this be a 3d piece, an animation or another process that I have yet to start playing about with. I’ve been really interested in collage with some of my projects so I would like for that to make an appearance in my work. The artists I looked at in my pathway stage are Walter Van Bierendonck and Bernhard Wilhelm who have both inspired me in my work, they work a lot in fashion with a mixture of fine art. I really like their work because they make it their own, they don’t follow any rules set by society and just generally have fun with the outfits they create.
Bernhard Wilhelm was a very big inspiration because of his work using gifs, I’ve recently started looking into fashion film and animation so this artist has been a big help because he’s already done a lot of the style of work im wanting to get into for this project.
For this project im looking at a range of illustrators, animators, fine artists and designers. I think looking at these will broaden my knowledge on the pathways I can take within my chosen subject area, as opposed to me having to be narrowed into one style of working.
I intend to go to a range of galleries and museums around my local area and some in London. I’m also going to see some of the degree shows at Lincoln and Nottingham to try and get some final inspiration for my work.
I want to use things like animation and collage in my work, after seeing artists use these mediums. They look really tricky but I think I could get the hang of it and put it into an idea for a final piece.
In the end my work will not only be assessed by my tutors and the administrator, I will ask viewers and my fellow students what they like and dislike about my work. All of my responses will be recorded in my reflective practice book that will be present with my sketchbooks. Doing this will help me see what I could have done better and develop it if I do something similar in further education.